Can I use Genesis Network with my existing Clinic Software?

Yes! Genesis Network is designed to complement any software your center uses to manage the patient intake and medical process. The Genesis Network Advocate Module is used once the woman chooses life and enrolls in the Education Program. Then, simply enroll the woman in Genesis Network, and all the tools and resources are made available for you to begin the client-advocate journey.

Does Genesis Network offer a Clinic Module?

We are now completing the development of a Clinic Module that will be tightly integrated into Genesis Network and offered as an add-on service. This will allow centers to manage both the medical process and advocate-provided services on a single, cohesive platform. The Clinic Module will feature additional user levels for schedulers and medical teams. The Genesis Network Clinic Module is projected to launch in the summer of 2023. If a center chooses to add the Clinic Module to their Genesis Network service, there is a modest annual fee of $1,200 per center per year, billed annually.

We are also working closely with the SperaVita Institute, esteemed most notably for its innovative Focus Method, which is highly effective at rescuing women and children from abortion. We are thrilled to integrate SperaVita’s proven 15-step linear patient process into Genesis Network—the first time SperaVita’s clinical module has been seamlessly integrated into a software solution. Backed by documented data, the Focus Method works by drawing abortion minded and determined women to the center and equipping them to make a choice for life.

Is Genesis Network HIPAA Compliant?

Yes! We work with a recognized third-party HIPAA compliance company to certify and manage our HIPAA compliance. It is also important for each center to take appropriate steps to ensure the completion of their own HIPAA requirements while using software services; for example, ensuring that each staff member and volunteer receives their own, unique login credentials and that they do not share them, and ensuring that their login credentials are not saved on their devices.

Can we customize Genesis Network?

Yes! If additional forms or fields or reports are needed, Genesis Network can be customized for a modest hourly fee for engineering services. Please contact us at

Can Genesis Network integrate with other applications?

Yes! Genesis Network can be integrated with other applications as long as there is an API available through the other application. There is a modest hourly fee for our engineering services. Please contact us at

Does Genesis Network offer Donor Management?

Genesis Network does not offer a Donor Management Module. We believe that excellent software applications already exist to meet this need. Moreover, to optimize HIPAA compliance and mitigate unwanted security risks, we believe it is better to maintain medical services on a separate platform from marketing and donor management services.